Main Steam Iron / Vacuum Cleaner Steam Iron
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Iron MESKO MS5028

Manufacturer MESKO
  • Brand: MESKO
  • Model: MS5028
  • Power min. 1800W max. 2200W
  • Ceramic coating of the sole of the iron - provides protection of the fabric
  • Vertical steam release
  • Warranty 2 years
Savings 30 GEL
45 GEL 75 GEL
Or Bank Installment

* გთხოვთ შეგვატყობინოთ, როგორც კი დაგიმტკიცდებათ განვადება, რადგან დროულად მოვახერხოთ ინვოისის გაგზავნა ბანკში

Product Features

Brand: MESKO
model: MS5028
  • Min. 1800W
  • Max. 2200W

Continuous release of steam
Vertical steam release
Ceramic lunch

Warranty: 2 years

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